Visitors Regulation
  • Attractions availability and show times are subject to change or close based on the factors of weather, maintenance or others. Guests are advised to attend the notice displayed at the entrance.
  • No one is admitted to carry any illegal or hazardous object into the Park. There is no camping area in the park, please do not cook or barbecue in any place of the park.
  • Please see ride safety signs or ride restriction details at entrance of the rides. We thank you for your kindly cooperation to follow the instruction of the operators at site.
  • Seating for every attraction will be available on the first come first serve basis.
  • Passengers are not allowed to eat, drink or smoke during any ride.
  • Children under age five must be accompanied by adult to take any ride.
  • The cabinets around the facilities are for your temporary convenience only. Do not leave your valuables in it. Or, please use the coin lockers.
  • We need your help to keep all the exhibitions and horticulture against injury by picking or breaking.
  • Any commercial photo or video taking should be permitted with prior authorization only.
  • Vistors are insured for public accidents that occur on any of the area in this Park. Please ask our staffs nearby for mediacal assistace or ring 049-2899445.
  • Sun Moon Lake Ropeway is an extra gift of the admission of FACV. We reserve the right of presenting this ride or not and would not compensate any in case the ropeway is closed for whatever reason.
  • For the safety of visitors and facilities, drone flying is prohibited in the park
  • Pets, except the reptiles like snakes and lizards, are allowed only if the owner sign a commitment to the park in paper, Pets are not supposed to enter restaurants and attractions.